Thursday, February 17, 2005

SQL10004C An I/O error occurred while accessing the database directory

If there were no changes made to the Hardware. Then its most likely that the database directory file sqldbdir is corrupted.

You will not be able to create new databases, connect to or drop existing databases.


  • Move all the files found in “sqllib/sqldbdir” to a different location.
  • Now catalog all the databases. For Local databases use: db2 catalog db “dbname”.
  • This should get ride of the error.


I received this error after *successful* installation of DB2 8.1 fixpak 7a on DB2 8.1 Fixpak 2 OS AIX 5.3.


Anonymous said...

Same thing happened to me. Upgraded from FP3 to FP7a on AIX 5.2 and hit the same problem.

Visu said...


Where you able to resolve with the solution provided?